Mission Programs
Here are just a few of the programs we support:
- Scholarships for young students who wish to devote their lives to growing the kingdom of
- God on earth through teaching, preaching or mission work
- Lydia Patterson high school in Texas, educating young people from the most impoverished neighborhoods on both sides of the border
- Scholarships for underpriveleged students
- Adult education through small group studies
- Sunday School opportunities for pre-school through adult
Social Justice
- Fighting poverty and hunger
- This also includes donations to our local food pantry
- Creating and supporting orphanages
- Providing help for women and children in dangerous situations
Disaster Response
- Providing money and supplies in times of natural disasters such as fire, flood, tornado, earthquake and hurricane.
- Ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of the vulnerable in times of loss of homes and loved ones.
- Teaching health through hygiene, nutrition and healthy lifestyles